We definitely had different plans for this year…

Dear followers,

we had been in silent for long…

the situation that arose overwhelmed us as well. We haven’t thought that it could come true.

We definitely had different plans for this year.

Our plan was that our customers could buy a #flAVATAR by this time at every county seat. We were planning to serve the buyers not only at festive occasion but any time which is unique for them.

The economical situation of the state is upside down, and the flower business also took a back seat. We truley understand that everybody is focusing on surviving and flowers are unfortunately less important.

Nevertheless spring has come and nature is blooming which has a perfect impact to our senses. It should remind us to renew and restart.

Until we can not do what we used to, we got time! Some of us use the time for baking yummy bread . But time can also be our partner in the meaning of being open to each other, helping us to find or create new community…

this period of time can be also good for holding self-examination… for getting closer to yourself, to your fears, needs and finding your attitude.

It is sure won’t be the same after all. We ourself change. We hope that everybody will find the appropriate guidlines for restarting or a for a new start.

As for us, we do what we shall do We are re-planning We face the difficulty and don’t give up! We believe in magic!

Best wishes for you all!

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