flAVATAR at MRCC year evaluation and Hungarian Champion inaugural event

flAVATAR is a development that wouldn’t have been possible without the humility towards the flora. It is important for us to express our support for perseverance, humility and commitment.

flAVATAR – Magical Flowers is a development based on biotechnology, as a result of which living plants glow in the dark. The first steps of the development started in FelsĹ‘zsolca, as one of the rights holders comes from here.
This is what most often determines that we pay special attention to the Miskolc region, despite the fact that the product is less known in Hungary and is mostly available on international markets.

The use of biotechnology also means for us to stand up for issues that are compatible with the fact, that we turn to our natural environment with the utmost care.

Sport has always been central to our lives, and if we can support it in a beautiful environment and targeting a growing circle, it will make us feel happy too. Not to mention that the association founder of MRCC is a good friend of ours, it was clear that we support him, the team and thus the Miskolc area together.

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